DIY Tree of Life
Appropriate for grades:
Subject areas: Visual and Performing Arts
The Tree of Life appears in many forms of folk art across cultures. In Mexican Folk Art, ceramic Trees of Life often show birds, animals, angels and nativity scenes, while other traditions might include religious and fertility symbols. Trees provide humans, animals, and birds with food, shade, homes, and materials for a wide variety of uses. Trees are anchor species in each ecosystem. The oldest tree in the world, Pando, is a colony of Quaking Aspen in Utah and is 80,000 years old. The oldest individual tree is a Great Basin Bristlecone Pine in California that is over 5,000 years old. Ancient, sacred and universal, the roots and branches symbolize a family ancestry tree and the interconnectedness of all humans and life. How will your tree of life tell the story visually of you and your family?
You'll need:
- cardboard (cereal box)or railroad board (8.5” x 11”)
- construction or decorative papers
- scissors
- liquid glue or stick
- pencil
- markers or colored pencils
- sequins and/or gems
- air dry clay
- optional: paint