Lars Krutak Tattoo Lecture
June 5, 20162:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Discover the fascinating world of Tattoo Anthropologist Lars Krutak http://larskrutak.com/ with a lecture and book signing presented in conjunction with the exhibition Sacred Realm: Bleassings and Good Fortune Across Asia
Krutak began tattoo research in 1996 as a graduate student at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Trained as an archaeologist and cultural anthropologist, he spent three years exploring the complex symbolism and practice of tattooing throughout the Arctic.
In 2002, Krutak embarked on a world tour devoted to recording the lives, stories, and experiences of tattooed people around the globe. He has worked as an Anthropological Consultant for three National Geographic television documentaries, and is the Technical Advisor for one of the world’s largest and most popular tattoo websites, www.vanishingtattoo.com. In 2003, he was a co-recipient of the American Book Award in Literature.
Look for Lars in the Discovery Channel (USA), Discovery World (Europe), and Discovery Travel & Living (Australia & New Zealand) series “Tattoo Hunter” focusing on indigenous body modification practices worldwide.
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