Folk Art Market Tickets on Sale!
June 15, 2016 through June 29, 201610:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Advance tickets are on sale for 2016 International Folk Art Market| Santa Fe July 8-10, 2016.
Market Opening Party Friday July 8 from 6:30 to 9pm Tickets are $225 ($175 tax-deductible) Enjoy Shopping, dancing, international music and refreshments. Early Bird Market Saturday July 9 from 7:30 -9am Tickets: $75.00 - includes all day Saturday Saturday Market Saturday July 9, 9 am-5pm Tickets $20 Youth 16 and Under free!
Sunday Market/Family Day Sunday July 10 9am-5pm Tickets $15 Youth 16 & under free!
Market tickets include admission to the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture, and the Museum of International Folk Art. Purchase tickets on-line at folkartalliance.org Tickets by phone (505-886-1251).
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